By: EMSB Communications
The English Montreal School Board is marking Black History Month with programming across the network. On Thursday, February 6 the EMSB held its formal kickoff at Parkdale Elementary School in St. Laurent in dedication to the late Dr. Horace I. Goddard, a former school teacher, principal and head office administrator and a leader in the Black community. This event also recognized Hooked on Schools Days (Journées de la perseverance scolaire), highlighting the value of staying in school and encouraging academic success. On hand was Réseau Réussite Montréal Executive Director Andrée Mayer-Périard.
By: EMSB Communications
Students at Gardenview Elementary School in St. Laurent were treated to a visit from the Grey Cup, accompanied by two members of the victorious Montreal Alouettes: running back William Stanback, a Gardenview parent, and offensive lineman Jamar McGloster. The duo spent the better of the morning as they addressed an assembly of pupils and posed for selfies with teachers and staff members.
By: EMSB Communications
The English Montreal School Board is marking Black History Month with programming across the network. On Thursday, February 6 the EMSB held its formal kickoff at Parkdale Elementary School in St. Laurent in dedication to the late Dr. Horace I. Goddard, a former school teacher, principal and head office administrator and a leader in the Black community. This event also recognized Hooked on Schools Days (Journées de la perseverance scolaire), highlighting the value of staying in school and encouraging academic success. On hand was Réseau Réussite Montréal Executive Director Andrée Mayer-Périard.
Visit the EMSB's educational resources section for educational and mental health support links for families. Links and activities for elementary and high school students are available.
Click here to visit the EMSB Education website
The provincial Government also has a new educational website called Open School where you can find more educational activities for your children.